Liste des références
Liste des références
Ouvrages historiques
- Adamson Henry, 1638, “The muses threnodie, or mirthfull mournings on the death of master Gall”,
- Bicket James, 1840, “The Canadian curler’s Manual”,
- Cairnie John, 1833, “Essay on curling, and artificial pond making”,
- Camden William, 1607, “Britannia, siue Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate”,
- Cant James, 1774, “The muses threnodie, or mirthfull mournings on the death of Mr Gall, Vol. 1”,
- Gibson Edmund, 1722, “Britannia, or, A chorographical description of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the adjacent islands”,
- Kerr John, 1890, “The history of curling and fifty years of the Royal Caledonian curling club”,
- Mitchell James S., 1899, “Curling: Complete Rules and Regulations, With Diagrams of Play”
- Ramsay John, 1882, “An Account of the Game of Curling, with Songs for the Canon-Mills Curling Club”,
- Taylor James, 1884, “Curling: the ancient Scottish game”,
Recherches scientifiques
- Balsdon, Megan, and Jeffrey Wood, 2020, “Comparing Broom Conditions in Curling: Measurements Using Ice Topography”,
- Office québécois de la langue française, 23 septembre 2024, “Faire d’une pierre deux coups avec la terminologie du curling.”,
Références olympiques
Fédérations internationales
Fédérations françaises
Sites de clubs français de curling
- Colmar Curling
- Curling Club de Viry-Châtillon
- Graoully Metz Curling
- Lyon Curling
- Rouen Olympic Club Curling
- Valence Curling
Blogs et sites de passionnés
Ouvrage sur le curling
- Palmer Kevin, 2014, “End Game: An Olympic Viewer’s Guide to Curling”
- Wilson Doug, Pendergast Mickey, 2022, “What’s Your Call ?”
- John Rudd, Sean Turriff, “Curling Drills” - “Curling: Steps to Success”
Références techniques et matériel
- Canada Curling Stone
- Empowered Performance, Thompson Stephanie
- Kays Scotland
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