Glossaire anglais
Ce glossaire reprend principalement les termes et leurs définitions issus des Règles officielles du curling définies par la World Curling1.
Le glossaire français est accessible ici.
AlternateA registered, non-playing member of the team who is eligible to substitute for one of the competing players.
Arithmetically EliminatedThe status of a team that has a combined total of stones left to be delivered and/or remaining in play that is less than the number needed to produce either a tie or a win.
Athlete Field of PlayThe area between the scoreboards at each end and extends to the outside edge of each walkway beside the outermost sheets.
Back Board / BumperMaterial (e.g., foam or wood) placed at the end (perimeter) of each sheet of ice.
Back House WeightThe speed given to a stone at delivery so that it will just reach the back of the house.
Back LineA line at the back of the house, extending across the width of the sheet, which is parallel to the tee line.
Centre LineThe line dividing the playing surface down the middle. It joins the midpoints of the tee lines and extends beyond the centre of each tee line to the hack line.
Courtesy LineA line indicating where the sweepers from the non-delivering team are allowed to stand in order to ensure that an umpire can view the hog line and to prevent distraction of a delivering player.
Delivering TeamThe team that is currently in control of the playing area, and scheduled to deliver the next stone.
Delivery StickA device that attaches to the handle of the stone and acts as an extension of the arm/hand during the delivery process.
Draw Shot Challenge (DSC)The calculation made by taking the average distance of the Last Stone Draws (LSD), excluding the least favourable LSD(s), and used, if required, to assist in the determination of ranking after a round robin.
Electronic Hog Line DeviceA device that indicated if a stone was released by a player before the stone reached the hog line at the delivery end.
EndA portion of a curling game that is completed when each team has thrown eight stones (5 in Mixed Doubles) and/or the score has been decided.
End of a GameA game ends with the signature on the scorecard, or in case where a team leaves the field of play without signing the card the game ends when the athletes exit the field of play.
End of CompetitionA competition ends at the end of the medal ceremony, or if there is no ceremony, when the last game of the competition ends.
ForfeitIf a team cannot start or continue a game the other team will win that game. The final game score will be recorded as W-L.
Free Guard Zone (FGZ)The area at the playing end, between the hog line and the tee line, but excluding the house.
Front House WeightThe momentum required for a delivered stone to reach the front part of the house at the playing end.
HackThe foot-hold at each end of the ice which is used by players (except wheelchair curlers) to start the delivery of a curling stone.
Hit and RollA stone that knocks an opponent’s stone out of play, and then rolls to another position in play.
Hog Line ViolationA stone that is removed from play for the end, because it was not released before it reached the hog line at the delivery end.
Hogged StoneA stone that is removed from play for the end, because after being delivered, it did not come to rest completely beyond the inside edge of the hog line at the playing end.
In the Process of DeliveryThe sequence of play that begins when the delivering player is in position to start the delivery and concludes when the stone is released.
In-turnThe rotation applied to the handle of a stone by a right-handed curler, which causes the stone to rotate in a clockwise manner, for left- handed curlers it is a counter-clockwise rotation.
Last Stone Draw (LSD)A contest conducted at the conclusion of a team’s pre-game practice in which each team delivers two stones by different players, the first stone with a clockwise and the second with a counter-clockwise rotation, to the tee at the home end. The resulting distances are measured and used to determine which team has the choice of delivering the first or second stone in the first end.
Last Stone First End (LSFE)A term to describe the stone that will be delivered last in the first end.
Measuring DeviceAn instrument that determines which stone is closer to the centre of the house (Tee), or whether a stone is in the house.
Original Position of a StoneThe location on the ice where a stone rested prior to its being displaced.
Out-of-play PositionThe location of a stone that is not in play (e.g., one which has touched a side line, or crossed the back line).
Out-turnThe rotation applied to the handle of a stone by a right-handed curler, which causes the stone to rotate in a counter-clockwise manner, for left-handed curlers it is a clockwise rotation.
PebbleThe water droplets applied to a sheet of ice before commencing play. These droplets freeze, which then reduces the friction between the ice and the stones.
PointAt the completion of an end, one is awarded to a team for each of its own stones located in or touching the house that is closer to the tee than any stone of the opposition.
Positioned StonesIn Mixed Doubles games, the two stones that are placed in designated positions prior to the start of each end.
Power PlayIn Mixed Doubles games, the team that has the decision on the placement of the “positioned” stones, can one time in a game place the stones in designated positions to the side of the sheet instead of the designated centre positions.
Raise Take-outA delivered stone hits a stationary stone, which then starts to move and it hits a third stone out of play.
ScoringA team scores one point for each of its stones that is within the house and closer to the tee than any stone of the opposing team.
SliderSlippery material placed on the sole of the sliding shoe, which makes it easier to slide on the ice.
Start of a GameA game starts at the scheduled time for that game. The pre-game practice as well as the delivery of the LSD stones also fall under the official game rules with the exception where a rule or policy specifically states a difference for either of them.
Start of CompetitionA competition starts at the beginning of the scheduled team meeting or the start of the first pre-event practice, whichever comes first.
StoneAlso known as a rock, a curling stone is made of granite and is delivered by the players in a curling game.
SweepingThe action of moving a broom or brush back and forth in front of the path of a moving stone to clean or polish the ice surface.
TeamFour players competing together. A team may include a fifth player (to act as an alternate) and a coach. Mixed Doubles have one male and one female player and may include a coach.
Team Official Field of PlayThe area behind the scoreboards inside the boards or a dedicated coach bench outside the boards
Technical Time-outStoppage of play called by a team or umpire for a ruling, injury, or in other extenuating circumstances, etc.
Tee LineA line extending across the width of the sheet that passes through the centre of the house parallel to the hog line and backline.
Vice-Skip (Mate or Acting Skip)The player who directs play for the team when it is the skip’s turn to deliver.
Wheelchair LinesTwo lines that run from the hog line to the outermost edge of the nearest circle of the house. Wheelchair curlers are allowed to start their delivery with the stone placed between these lines.
World Curling, “Rules of curling”, ↩︎